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爸爸留下一對袖口紐,是他一生中唯一的一對,他曾說衹在結婚時用過。 袖口紐50年代設計,好 classic,穿扣是橢圓形設計,配以直紋 detail,現已不多見。 這對絕版袖口紐,滿載對家人的愛與承諾,我戴在衣袖,如同和爸爸到處遊歷。 #袖口紐收藏系列 #延續袖口紐文化
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Cuff Buttons (FUNG's memory)
It was a pair of cuff buttons left behind by my grandfather. It was beautifully engrafted with the words 'Long Life', guess that was...
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Elephant Tusk Chopsticks (Daniel Yu)
Mr Li received this pair of elephant tusk chopsticks from his wife in 1950s. In fact, Mrs Li bought 2 pairs of chopsticks commemorating...
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Graduation Certificate (Sau Chan)
My mother is very proud of studying in this railway school as this was the only formal education that she got. She was among one of the...
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A piece of Buddhist Jade (Jade Luk)
This jade has accompanied Mr Luk for more than 30 years and was passed forward by his grandfather which was a symbol of passing onto the...
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